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Megan Graham
Position: Staff reporter
Phone Number: (970), 375-4562

Nerdy parents get no summer reading help

The first couple of weeks after school ends each year, there is a certain amount of child laziness that is acceptable. After all, kids work hard throughout the academic year and deserve a bi...

Emotion often trumps reason in tough calls

When considered in hindsight, retiring Rep. Michele Bachmann’s, R-Minn., ascension onto the national political stage is rather amazing, given her outrageous positions on any number of issues...

Good processes do not always produce results

Being a policy process nerd, things like collaborative, consensus-based efforts are, for me, unfailingly interesting. They offer several interrelated tracks of study that must align just abo...

School flap a learning opportunity

There are a few phrases that, when unleashed on a middle schooler, can trigger an instantaneous boredom-induced eye roll. “Would you like to go to the museum?,” for instance, or, “Do you wan...

Clear goals, not just values, shape best policies

When I issue an edict to the young people who live with me, they frequently demonstrate their potential as future skeptics. Instead of docilely accepting the order, they instead pepper me wi...

Durango’s hockey family is a smelly, close-knit community

One of the most appalling and surprising things a newly minted hockey player learns is that the human hand produces unthinkable odors when stuffed in a hockey glove. The thing about it is, t...

Disagreeing key to sharpening ideological arguments

Editor’s note: The last paragraph of Megan Graham’s column was not printed in Sunday’s Opinion section. The column is printed here in full. Hanging around with peop...